Killing the tags << fulfilling our goals.

Procrastination, laziness, fear, comfort, doubt, insecurity << these are all words that kill, destroy, ruin our dreams. ••••••

This year, 2018 I am determined to demolish these & many more horrible tags that have labeled who I am. I agree to say that I am not perfect. Perfection is more of an ideal substance that clouds our way of thinking. You see, I strongly believe that our imperfections are what makes us beautiful human beings. Without these ugly flaws there would be no ME. Often times the idea of “perfection” blurs our true reflection as a person. We tend to compare our present self to our “perfect-future self”. Time goes by and consequently, we despise our self in the present and on top of that we do not accomplish our “so-called” goal.

I want to challenge myself & anyone who wants to come on board to remove these tags by embracing our blemishes. That being said I also want to invite you to find your spark with me. If you’re like me, then you are trying to find a way to be a better you. Everyday is an open opportunity to become the person you are destined to be. PURPOSE. This is a very powerful word, if you know what it means. Purpose is defined as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” In other words, we were created for a reason. Do you know what your purpose, reason, or spark is? You may have a slight idea, no idea, or THE IDEA but do not know where to begin. Here’s a disclaimer: I am no professional counselor, I do not have my life perfect, my life is not exactly what I want it to be right now. This is me, just simply writing my mind out, hoping to help others with MY journey in becoming a better person. Hope you are following with what I said there. :]
I have quite some solid goals I want to accomplish this year. I seriously have never been so determined to get things done before. I have always been a dream-chaser (still am by the way). I like to fantasize about how my life will be like in a few years, where I am the most amazing person on earth, and have the coolest stuff ever. There’s no problem if you do this too. The problem begins when we let each minute pass by without moving one finger towards making a difference. Goals! What do they mean if we have to re-state them every New Year as our “resolutions”? I’m tired of that. I have felt embarrassed for failing every time. I am ashamed to even try again, but honestly, I would feel worse if I don’t. So yes, here I am killing these tags by actually posting today!
Let’s confront our wall of fears to fulfill our fullest potential. Less talking, more doing is my motivational quote this year.

Here are my top 5 goals this year.
#1 – Become a better person/mom/wife/daughter (spiritually, & mentally)
#2 – Write & Read MORE! (This includes blogging often)
#3 – Lose my baby weight, stay active & eat healthy.
# 4 – Administer our finances right! / SAVE!!!!
#5 – Improve my cooking skills to please my hubby!

What are yours? Comment below :] ♥

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